• McCutchanville Fire Quint 5 Ladder Truck


Everyday, Firefighters, both men and women, throughout the world put their lives on the line to help the people of their communities. At the McCutchanville Fire Dept. we are proud of the men and women who volunteer their time away from their families, and risk their lives to help our community. They train, practice, and take classes for all emergencies we respond to everyday.

The members of the McCutchanville Fire Department responded to 1428 calls in 2016.  989 of these were for medical, 83 for Residential Fires, 69 for Commercial Fires, and 92 for Motor Vehicle Accidents. Any time 911 in dialed for EMS or Fire in Center Township, McCutchanville is dispatched.

Our community is fortunate in having so many trained men and women who are willing to donate their time and expense in our service. We have 36 volunteers, most of which are Emergency Medical Technicians and trained beyond the state minimum in fire attack.

Your donations and the funds from the Center Township Trustee have made it possible to maintain and upgrade our equipment and services. Our operating expenses for 2016 were $ 790,000. Our major costs were for our four 24/5 paid staff members, insurance, fire gear, 2 Lucas Devices, 2 Quick Response Vehicles, and additional safety features for our personnel and apparatus’s.

Our foreseeable major expenses are the purchase of a new apparatus that will be able to carry more equipment. We are also looking to update the infrastructure of our current stations and continue in the planning of a new station on Green River and Heckel Road.

We thank you again for your donations.