1828: William McCutchan
January 1, 1828
William McCutchan was born in County Weatmeath, on August 1, 1775. It is believed that William was the half brother of Charles McCutchan-Mcjohnstone. William left Ireland in early 1806 and arrived in New York State in May of that year. The reason for emigration was religious oppression. In America he purchased land and settled near the village of Bethel in Sullivan County, New York. It is here that it is believed Charles and William met and discussed the promising new land in Indiana. William arrived in McCutchanville in 1828 and purchased several tracts of land.
More about William McCutchan.
William McCutchan was born in County Westmeath, on august 1,1775, but do not know the names of his parents. He was married to Mary Ann Vickerstaff, born September 16,1777, from County Meath. They settled in County Longford and there their first five sons were born, probably at or near the town of Granard.
1.Samuel born Oct. 16 1797 married Agenes (Nancy) McCrabbie
2. Alexander Dennision born 1800 married Anna Maria Atcheson
3. William, Jr. born 1801 married Dezire-
4. John born 1802 married Hester A. Benjamin
5. Thomas born 1804 married Sarah Trimble
They left Ireland early in 1806 and arrived in New York State in May of that year. Their reason for emigration was religious oppression. The McCtuchans had been Protestants for many years before they fell under the dynamic spell of John Wesley’s preaching. As Methodists in Ireland they ran into great difficulty with the Roman Catholic majority, and the religious differences often broke into outright warfare. There is a legend handed down about the Catholics chasing Sammy down the road with a pitchfork. At any rate, William was bitter-so bitter , in fact, that he did not allow his family to celebrate Christmas. Christmas to him was nothing more than “Christ’s Mass”, and being a Mass was therefore Catholic; so he wanted nothing to do with it.
In America he purchased land and settled near the village of Bethel in Sullivan County, New York. Here were born Sarah Bond (the only daughter), March 20,1807, George Bond on February 3, 1812, Robert, about 1817, and James. Two other children whose names and birth dates are not known as they did not reach maturity.
The blood relationship of William McCutchan and Charles McJohnston has never been definitely established. They were most certainly closely related, and some family historians maintain that they were half brothers. There is a story of a meeting in NEw York between William McCutchan and a half brother, who had more recently come from Ireland, and that hald brother brought William news of his father. It is quite possible that this was Charles McJohnston who in 1818 was traveling through New York looking for a suitable place to settle.
With promises of great opportunities awaiting the adventurers in the new State of Indiana, William and Mary McCutchan and part of their family set out for the west. They arrived in the McCutchanville area about 1828 and purchased several tracts of land from the Vincennes Land Officer. The land they took was along Browning Road and east as far as Petersburg Road. One entry for eighty acres was recorded in August 1835.